TX_Kitty2007-02-21 22:31:11

based on published data at www.flcdatacenter.com there is 7647 chinese got PERM LC certified since March 30 2005... you can guess where is your location now....
small_fish1682007-02-21 22:37:34
only less than 600 EB2 before Oct 2005
TX_Kitty2007-02-21 22:39:58
top20 country for LC
ITWorker02142007-02-21 22:40:27
so around 10% of approved cases are Chinese
TX_Kitty2007-02-21 22:42:13
I use Level1,level2 salary as EB3,might not correct
small_fish1682007-02-21 22:48:27
are these based on birth place or citizenship?
TX_Kitty2007-02-21 22:48:50
TX_Kitty2007-02-21 22:49:15
based on ALien's Nationality
small_fish1682007-02-21 22:59:03
then chinese EB2/3 will be more
ambrose_redtip2007-02-22 01:19:35
有些LEVEL2可能归为EB2 回复:I use Level1,level2 salary as EB3,mi
ambrose_redtip2007-02-22 01:29:25
NICE 的数据分析回复:PERM LC data analysis (图)
TX_Kitty2007-02-22 13:50:29
data was summaried using SAS
lzr2007-02-22 15:12:34
you are smart
specialy2007-02-22 17:45:56
How about TR and RIR cases approved at BEC if we use thsi ratio
TX_Kitty2007-02-22 18:47:50
you don't need ratio, they published the numbers
Cuimaor2007-02-26 21:20:06
who is that lucky guy in Mrach 2005? hehe~