TigerGC2007-03-09 17:45:19

Thank you for your answer yesterday, and now I have follow-up questions regarding the I-94 when leaving U.S. at the airport.
I checked my latest H1 I-94 yesterday, there are 2 parts at the bottom of my latest H1 approval notice. The bottom left part says for my personal records, and bottom right part is I-94 form.
1. When I leave U.S., should I turn in both bottom parts (left and right) or just the right part?
2. When I leave U.S., does any authority stamp my passport to indicate I leave U.S.?
I remembered when I l left China years ago, at Beijing airport I was stamped on my passport.

Thanks a lot for your time.
红叶2007-03-09 18:49:09
回复:Xiaobaitu, Please.
TigerGC2007-03-09 19:23:30
回复:回复:Xiaobaitu, Please.