guodazhu2007-05-02 20:51:24
上次看到新闻说BEC会在4月底处理完所有的RIR case. 可网上一直显示"In process".到现在也没有消息.我是2005/2 递交的EB2.


afewgoodman2007-05-02 20:51:24
relax, a lot of ppl from 2002 are still waiting
guodazhu2007-05-02 20:55:27
following is from DOL: They noted that they expect most RIRs wit
guodazhu2007-05-02 20:56:55
following is from DOL:
afewgoodman2007-05-02 20:58:22
never trust anything they say
chizhubao2007-05-08 21:53:56
回复:还有在BEC牢里的xdjm吗 (RIR EB2)?