changjing2007-05-04 14:28:59

I want to file EB1b since I got extension as a tenure assistant professor in a university. The University legal office will not do any thing for me during the summer (document and fee). If I file myself, what document is required from the office? Can I get from any document from the department or the Dean's office or provost's office as well. P.S. I have prepared all documents for NIW.

请关照2007-05-04 14:24:34
回复:EB1b Support
changjing2007-05-04 14:44:36
回复:回复:EB1b Support
bulldog2007-05-04 20:12:07
See ...
bulldog2007-05-04 20:13:53
No need to go through legal office.
changjing2007-05-06 04:28:26
回复:No need to go through legal office.