dd1112007-05-09 05:33:35

首先感谢你的指点。但是我在读了485 文件要求之后又有疑问。

你说没有必要通知律师在得到Promotion 之后。但是485 的文件中是有如下要求的:

Current Employment Letter

A letter from your current employer, written on company letterhead, verifying their intent to employ you on a full-time permanent basis. This letter should also include your job title, as listed on your labor Certificate, your current salary (equal or greater than salary on labor certificate), and your job duties (as listed on the Labor Certificate)

所以说,如果有Promotion 之后工作的职责有所改变还真是有问题。你能够再指点我一把吗?谢谢了

xiaobaitu2007-05-09 05:56:49
我的经验是:employment letter内容根本不用写那么多