mingyun2007-05-15 21:36:16
I am applying for waiver, and worry about my stamp is not enough,(before is 0.39 and now is 0.41), even though I mailed DOS new envelopes I still worry about that.
Anything else I can do? Anybody know DOS phone? or fax number?
Another question:
hoticesun2007-05-15 22:34:39
回复:Help,help,help 豁免成功的J1朋友看过来,
gimegime2007-05-17 00:33:54
回复:回复:Help,help,help 豁免成功的J1朋友看过来,
gimegime2007-05-17 00:34:25
回复:Help,help,help 豁免成功的J1朋友看过来,
fatboyslimkz2007-05-28 15:09:51
my fav rec from DOS arrived with 37cents stamps on it on 05/26/0