pharmacyelite2007-06-06 23:34:11
我的 140已经批准,第一次file 485,是不是A#那栏就可以空着?我听说有人拿140上面的 A#,会行得通么?
doshexh2007-06-06 23:44:00
回复:A# need to be filled if first time filing 485?
pharmacyelite2007-06-06 23:52:02
I found the same number on both my I-140 approval notices.
MAP-MAP2007-06-07 01:56:56
回复:I found the same number on both my I-140 approval notices.
ilovemomidad2007-06-07 04:31:19
有谁知道给回一下吧, 我也困惑了好久了
485-20072007-06-07 17:37:06
回复:A# on I-140