stone1662004-04-18 04:28:10
Today I just found my I-94 was stamped “valid until March 30/04”, that was stamped when I came back from China on Feb.29/04 (it seems that “March 30/04” was based on the H1B visa on my passport), but my H1B document will valid until 7/31/2006. The right one should be D/S or July 31/2006 (from my H1B document).
1) Is there a chance to correct my I-94, what I need to do?
2) Will I be in big trouble since my wrong I-94 is expired now? Any record that I may leave for illegal living in US?
3) It will effect my green card application?
Thanks a lot!

seeThis2004-04-18 12:59:52
回复:Please, help on I-94 issue!
stone1662004-04-18 15:16:31
回复:回复:Please, help on I-94 issue!