ComeForHelp2007-07-14 17:06:01
What is ND? What is the relationship with PD and processing date? My PD is 07/2005, and I filed 140 and 485 in 9/2005 together. What point am I now? Have they started my name check? How do I know when they start name check and when it is cleared? My 2nd finger print was done in 3/2007, but there is no update after that. Is it normal? Tons of thanks to your help.
ComeForHelp2007-07-14 17:40:46
各位大师, xiaobaitu, radiology, pjiang, 知名度比较高, please help!!
pjiang2007-07-14 17:59:24
回复:各位大师, xiaobaitu, radiology, pjiang, 知名度比较高, please help!!
ComeForHelp2007-07-14 18:21:48
pjiang, tons of thanks. Have a good weekend.