taotaomao2007-07-25 00:13:34

Part 1. Information about you.
Address -
in care of -
关于这个格格是啥,看一看老师的置顶帖子“手把手帮着填I-485”就知道了。老师说过:“Address- C/O: Care of ”转交”。一般不填。除非是用别人的地址。也有人再
A#: 王二没填,虽然王二的opt上有个A#,H1B 申请材料中也有一个A#,王二看过老师的置顶帖子之后,决定不填。

Part 3. Processing information:
1. I/We request that my/our current or requested status be extended until:
王二填的是老婆的H1B 的有效期2008年某月某日。
2. Is this application based on an extension or change of status already
granted to your spouse, child or parent?
( ) No.
( X ) Yes. USCIS REceipt #: LIN XXXXXXX
3. Is this application based on a separate petition or application to give
your spouse, child or parent and extension or change of status?
( X ) No
( ) Yes, filed with this I-539.
( ) Yes, filed previously and pending with USCIS. Receipt #

3a. Are you, or any other person included on the application, an application, and applicant for an immigrant visa?
(X) Yes
3b. Has an immigrant petition ever been filed for you or for any other person included in this application?
(X) Yes
3c. Has a form I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status, ever been filed by you or by any other person included in this application?
(X) Yes
关于问题3b,王二觉得这个是在问140的情况。自己没有递140,但是老婆今年一月递了140,反正王二的485也已经递了,所以填个Yes也不算冤。王二在坛子里搜索了一下,发现有人说要填Yes, 有人说要填No, 王二觉得填Yes比较保险一点。老师对此的评语是:你都填3了,填2一点儿也不冤。
3g.Have you, or any other persons included in this application, been employed in the U.S. since last admitted or granted extension or change of status?

除了表格以外还有一个问题王二想提一下:I-539 表格到底该寄去哪里?
大多数人说,应该寄去CSC或者VSC。我很仔细地读了I-539的instruction, 上面明确写"generally filed with CSC or VSC", 至于是去CSC还是VSC,按地区分。但接着又说如果是转H4的话,如果是“Filing Form I-539 separately from the principal and the principal's case is approved”,应该递交到principle的I-129批准的那个中心。所以王二决定把I-539递到批准老婆I-129的NSC,而不是按照地址寄去CSC 或者VSC。
另外,539的instruction上还说了,王二的这种情况,还需提供王二老婆的I-129的approval notice。王二想了一下,认为这个说的是I797。
