taotaomao2007-07-25 23:39:27

Action Alert… make sure you receive our alerts:

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Today: Senate To Vote on Two Key Amendements:
Enforcement, AgJobs & Dream Act

Call (202) 224-3121 to be put in touch with your home state Senators' Offices Immediately. Need everyone to call & pass this along now!

The Bad: Senator Lindsey Graham's Border Security First Act of 2007 amendment to the Homeland Security Appropriations bill (H.R. 2638). This enforcement-only amendment would only add to the problems of our broken system.

Tell your Senators to OPPOSE this amendment which would:

Expand state and local law enforcement of civil immigration laws;

Expand expedited removal and further restrict the right of immigrants, including longtime legal permanent residents, to administrative or judicial review;

Subject visa overstayers to mandatory detention, raising serious cost and constitutional concerns;

Expand criminal penalties for immigration violations, including harsh and costly mandatory minimum sentences; and

Penalize cities that have chosen NOT to turn their police force into immigration agents.
The Good: Senator Harry Reid's side-by-side amendment to the Graham Amendment. This amendment provides smart border security and important relief.

Tell your Senators to SUPPORT this amendment which would:

Strengthen border security with smart funding measures
Include the DREAM Act and provide targeted relief to thousands of deserving children
Include AgJOBS and ensure that American farms are not confronted again this year with a labor shortage of crisis proportions.
Again, the number to call is (202) 224-3121. Call yourself and forward this message along!
doshexh2007-07-26 01:04:06
I guess those who support republicans should read carefully