denniskang20042007-08-02 21:27:49
BELOW is from immigration Voice.

June end and July 2nd filers receipts by monday


I have talked to a representative and he very patiently explained me about the mess.
He clearly and very clearly told me that they have a deadline to send all receipts for June end and July 2nd filers by friday (tomorrow) or worst case monday.

He mentioned that they are working hard to meet this deadline.
Hope this clears the anxiety.
damihu2007-08-02 21:41:08
玉坠儿2007-08-02 21:47:12
绿卡仙踪2007-08-02 21:54:32
千万别都work hard 去干那事,留点人给我们哪!
denniskang20042007-08-02 21:54:35
just a rumor..i called just now, rep said no such deadline...
howcome2007-08-02 22:59:19
COOL! 然后就该批我的啦!