H1help2007-09-04 21:08:13
Priority Date: 09/2002
I-140: 05/2007
Finger Print: 08/15/07
Is there anything that I can do to speed up?
H1help2007-09-04 21:14:45
Normally how long does it take for background checking, includin
小燕南南飞2007-09-04 21:23:11
北京胡同小四儿2007-09-04 21:32:01
傻燕子, 没觉得今天没人攻击你了???
小燕南南飞2007-09-04 21:33:10
呵呵,从来没有哇! 有吗??
北京胡同小四儿2007-09-04 21:38:40
傻丫头, 把你卖了还给人家数钱哪!
小燕南南飞2007-09-04 21:45:21
H1help2007-09-04 21:51:01
I am asking questions. If you want to start something else, plea
radiology2007-09-04 21:58:22
H1help2007-09-04 22:00:31
Thanks a lot!