xiaoxiaom2007-10-11 18:28:22
I have a question about the H1B. I am working in a university now. The expire date of my H1B is 12/2008. However, I will work in a non-profit organization next month. How do I transfer my H1B? How do I fill out the I-129 Part 2 question 5. Which requested action shoud I choose? c (extend the stay of the person since they now hold this status) or d (Amend the stay of the persons since they now hold this status)? If I choose C, that means that I need extend three years; if I choose d, that means that I extend my H1B to 12/2008. Is that right? Thank you for your answer.
pjiang2007-10-11 18:48:15
Part 2. 5. - [c] - 回复:咨询Pjiang,radiology and xiaobaitu
xiaoxiaom2007-10-11 19:52:48
回复:Part 2. 5. - [c] - 回复:咨询Pjiang,radiology and xiaobaitu