china_wind2007-11-04 21:19:19
在网上注册了个人信息,寻H1B及绿卡申请的律师。 今天收到一律师回信,收费如下:
Fee Information
Consultation: I am willing to offer an initial consultation of 30 minutes for $200.
Fee type: Learn more about lawyer fees
FLAT FEE The total fee that I would charge for this case is $3500.
Fees are due in installments.
Other fee information: This response is negotiable and subject to change upon further information I learn from you.
该律师来自Azulay, Horn & Seiden, LLC,据说是全美第四大律师事务所。

本人为新手,对此毫无经验。寻求各种建议,先谢了。 另外,我在芝加哥地区。
china_wind2007-11-04 21:27:49
More information
radiology2007-11-04 21:51:50
pharmacyelite2007-11-05 04:02:47
pharmacyelite2007-11-05 04:06:10
有些律师charge 500块premium process handling fee