J2waiver2007-11-19 18:22:40
我是J1,去年得到waiver, 那时我儿子在中国, 不是J2, 因此没有包括他。现在他拿到J2签证将要来美,有人讲我儿子need to waiver,对吗
如果他没waiver必须回国2年吗, 后悔让他去签证,因为我2008年1月将换H1, 那时给他申请H4就好了。

如果他虽然拿到 J2签证,但不来美国直到2008,6月30日失效,是否就不受回国2年限制,1年后直接持H4入境.

Please help me, thank you very much!
xiaobaitu2007-11-19 18:34:49
知音966912007-11-19 18:42:38
我个人经历供您参考: J1一旦豁免,J2自动豁免...
hong6688992007-11-19 19:42:56
ur 485 was approved? if not, ur J2s will get at least RFE
hong6688992007-11-19 19:43:46
J2 needs additional waiver too in ur case
hong6688992007-11-19 19:52:43
did u check the box that J2 was included in ur J waiver
J2waiver2007-11-19 20:26:23
知音966912007-11-19 20:27:13
I-485 pending, no RFE up to now.
J2waiver2007-11-19 20:30:35
回复:我个人经历供您参考: J1一旦豁免,J2自动豁免...
J2waiver2007-11-19 20:32:30
回复:J2 needs additional waiver too in ur case
hong6688992007-11-19 20:36:42
then just wait. if ur case was approved, then u r lucky.
hong6688992007-11-19 20:38:19
if J2 is kid, the only way is to go back to china for
hong6688992007-11-19 20:40:06
i suggest that ur come to usa as H4. otherwise, a lot of issues
hong6688992007-11-19 20:41:01
ur son
hong6688992007-11-19 20:44:03
generally J2 cannot apply for waiver independently.
J2waiver2007-11-19 20:45:05
回复:ur son
hong6688992007-11-19 20:46:34
i do not think so. also H4 is different from J2. easy to get vis
hong6688992007-11-19 20:53:44
if u get RFE about j2 waiver, and cannot provide
J2waiver2007-11-19 20:54:17
回复:i do not think so. also H4 is different from J2. easy to get
知音966912007-11-19 20:54:31
hong6688992007-11-19 20:57:00
i am nto sure about this issue. i guess xiaobaitu is correct
J2waiver2007-11-19 21:06:20
回复:i am nto sure about this issue. i guess xiaobaitu is correct
hong6688992007-11-19 21:08:02
sorry i am nto sure about visa related issues.
J2waiver2007-11-19 21:08:53
hong6688992007-11-19 21:12:07
99% lawyers think the same way as urs. absolutely wrong
hong6688992007-11-19 21:14:22
i mean that 99% lawyers think J2 automatically get waived
J2waiver2007-11-19 21:30:42
回复:i mean that 99% lawyers think J2 automatically get waived