SupportLIA2007-12-05 09:23:45
LIA的网站上(已经开辟了name check campaign 的注册通
道。请没有给议员打过电话的name check 受害人尽快行动。

今天我们向Bruce Morrison (LIA 的 lobbyist) 咨询了DHS/USCIS和FBI的关于name
章取义的解释:一会儿说USCIS可以不用等name check 结束就发绿卡,一会又完全否定

Bruce说实际情况是这样的:DHS的secretary Chertoff 想要解决name check backlog
,于是采用了一种“风险管理”的方法。法律规定绿卡发放和name check 无关,只和
finger print 有关。等name check 结束再发卡只是USCIS的行政规定,所以他们当然
有权改动。“风险管理”的本质是:被name check 卡住一段时间(有可能是半年)以
上的案子,如果对国家安全“风险小”,USCIS可以不用等 name check clear就发放绿
卡。但是,被认为对国家安全“风险大”,则肯定要等到 name check clear 后再发卡

Bruce 说,这个决定表明DHS/USCIS 解决name check backlog 一种姿态,它可能会有
效地清除name check backlog,毕竟真正威胁到国家安全的案子还是少数。但是该决定
,关键要看他们是怎么执行的,而不是怎么说的。现在说 name check 的问题已经解决

要想切切实实地解决name check 问题,必须制定新的法律,限制、约束FBI的拖延。
Bruce 主张的 “Supervisory Review” 是现在最可行的方案,已经被众议员Clarke采
纳,现在需要得到Nancy Pelosi的批准。希望name check 受害人继续给自己的议员施

LIA的网站上(已经开辟了name check campaign 的注册通

Cite as "AILA InfoNet Doc. No. 07113061 (posted Nov. 30, 2007)"

In a meeting with AILA and other organizations, DHS Secretary Chertoff
indicated that USCIS and the FBI are changing parts of the name check
process, with the expected result that a large proportion of the backlog
should be cleared within six months. The changes are consistent with
Secretary Chertoff's risk management approach. The Secretary hopes that, in
addition to clearing the backlog, a large percentage of the kinds of
applications and situations that have previously been caught in name check
delays will, in the future, be cleared quickly. However, he cautions that
some checks still will be delayed by investigations, but that that number
should represent a small proportion of the numbers previously delayed.
quancheng882007-12-05 13:48:05
Let's support LIA to fight for our freedom and rights
thisway2007-12-05 21:44:21
xiexie 回复:今天向游说公司咨询了name check 改革的问题