pilipalaliyz2007-12-11 07:17:24
请问485 penging 180天以后想full time读书,比如mba,可行吗?485还能继续吗?
pjiang2007-12-11 15:16:47
想上学可以,只要不转 F-1,与 180 天无关 - 回复:请问485 penging 180天以后上学的问题
jfk9552172007-12-11 15:40:02
pharmacyelite2007-12-11 15:47:13
if you are primary applicant, not a good plan.
pjiang2007-12-11 16:02:50
回复:if you are primary applicant, not a good plan.
pharmacyelite2007-12-11 17:39:17
If he can fulfil fulltime H1 working & fulltime MBA study.
pilipalaliyz2007-12-11 17:55:00
回复:回复:if you are primary applicant, not a good plan.
pjiang2007-12-11 18:17:03
回复:回复:回复:if you are primary applicant, not a good plan.
pharmacyelite2007-12-11 18:21:29
What's 485 category? NIW? EB2-perm? Eb1a?
pilipalaliyz2007-12-11 19:02:50
回复:What's 485 category? NIW? EB2-perm? Eb1a?
pharmacyelite2007-12-11 21:13:15
then will be risky to go to school without a fulltime job