GXM20062008-02-27 22:56:14
H1签证马上到期,正在延期.同时给老公办H4 延期.老公去年和我一起七月交了I485.我是主申请人.

现在在老公的539表上, question 3: Answer the following questions. If you answer "Yes" to any question, please describe the circumstances in detail and explain on a separate sheet(s) of paper.

对于question a, b and c,我怎么读都是一样的,请问他们有什么区别呀?我想都应该回答YES, 但现在的问题是:对于它们,该怎样describe the circumstances in detail and explain on a separate sheet(s) of paper.

请大家帮帮忙回答! 本人不胜感激!!
红叶2008-02-27 22:57:00
回复:你最好把question 贴出来,谁会记得那么多呢?
pjiang2008-02-28 06:05:14
回复:没人回答,再贴一遍,紧急求助XBT AND PJIANG, H4 extension