xiaodd'squestions2008-03-08 14:01:45
先前问过但没说清楚. 是 eb1 case, 先是收到了welcome notice, 但是上面写着"Your new card will expire in two years from when you became a permanent resident. By law your resident status is conditional, and you must remove those conditions before your card expires." 当时就不解. 后来又收到卡,但上面明明写着10年有效的. 问题如下:

(3)要是必须的话, 该怎么办呢?

请PJIANG老师或小白兔姐姐赐教! 多谢了...
xiaodd'squestions2008-03-08 14:35:54
请教PJING(对不起,是PJIANG)老师和小白兔姐姐, 先多谢了!
pjiang2008-03-09 14:07:47
The IO sent you email using an inappropriate template - 回复:请教PJI
xiaodd'squestions2008-03-09 16:42:20
回复:The IO sent you email using an inappropriate template - 回复:请教