lzy992008-03-10 18:26:32
I(primary applicant) got my GC in 09/2007(EB2, PD:09/2005), my 8-year-old daughter got approved notice at the same time as me, but never received her card even she did two times FP now, no information for my hu*****and, still pending. Anyone has similar situation? how long will take for them, do we need inforpass?
Thx for sharing.
kellywu6662008-03-10 18:41:35
回复:Share GC information for dependents please?
lzy992008-03-10 18:52:00
回复:回复:Share GC information for dependents please?
To-morrow2008-03-10 19:06:28
Thank you for sharing. 回复:Share GC information for dependents pl
kellywu6662008-03-10 19:10:10
回复:回复:回复:Share GC information for dependents please?
layu122008-03-10 19:35:34
回复:Call USCIS innmediately to see
lzy992008-03-10 19:53:39
回复:回复:Call USCIS innmediately to see