happyxie2008-03-14 15:46:42

Maybe, a short email is enough for us to make a difference if every Chiness here really want to get your Geen Card sooner.
happyxie2008-03-14 15:45:20
Link is here. Sorry, I am too nervious and I am so angry now!
happyxie2008-03-14 15:47:25
Here it is( I don't know why it does not work.) (LZ)
Ivy6162008-03-14 15:49:58
回复:If you are a real Chinese, please please please DO something
happyxie2008-03-14 15:52:17
What are you talking? Go to the hell.
woo~hoo2008-03-14 16:05:30
vmama2008-03-14 16:06:45
calm down.my understanding is that she's talking about herself,
Bodd2008-03-14 16:09:06
Ivy6162008-03-14 16:19:20
Ivy6162008-03-14 16:26:09
回复:calm down.my understanding is that she's talking about hersel
Bodd2008-03-14 16:26:57
Ivy6162008-03-14 16:29:49
happyxie2008-03-14 17:00:49
Good job!回复:昨晚老公发了4封,好像有一封退了回来。