悄悄话提醒2008-03-19 00:15:22

This is the post from Ron:

I have to confess error and make a correction. The AC21 legislation changed
things far more that I suspected and changed the allocation process from
what I had learned previously. In further corresondence with the Visa Office
, I've learned that I was wrong about how numbers are moved from worldwide
to single state allocations. The following is a direct quote:

Employment First Preference example: Annual limit 40,000 - (expected) 25,000
("rest of world") - 3,300 (China limit) - 3,300 (India limit) = 8,400
unused numbers. Those 8,400 numbers could be made available to China/India
applicants without regard to their normal 3,300 per-country limit for that
category. But those extra numbers would need to be made available to China/
India applicants on an equal basis, and in doing so making sure that the
additional number use would not result in the Worldwide annual limit being
exceeded. Thus, the same cut-off date for each country since the extra
numbers must be made available in priority date order without regard to

I apologize for the confusion generated by my earlier remarks
悄悄话提醒2008-03-19 00:21:38
balsam_pear_k2008-03-19 01:01:42
nzh2008-03-19 03:51:24
装嘲卖傻, 骗小孩!一贯几两。
blueswan2008-03-19 05:44:18