shaoshao2008-11-08 06:47:19
Recieving Date: 07/27/07
Notice Date: 10/17/08
TSC center


06/15/07: meternity leave;

06/28/07: second son was born;

07/15/07: Called lawyer to prepare I140; After about 1 or 2 days, the laywer said there was still time to prepare I140 and I 485 together;

07/16/07-07/26/07: Prepared 5 letters and all the materials for I140. My work boss wrote me one and one coworker wrote me one. I wrote two letters for two commitee members and one for another coworker. No independent letter.

It was a hard time. I remember getting up in the night, prepaing materials when pumping milk for the baby. I remember arguing with hu*****and very hard and feeling all the pressure one me; I remember preparing the letters in the school library; I remember my advisor refused to give me a letter because he was too busy. I remember taking care of the baby and preparing the materials all together...

Anyway, I don't have to thinking about getting more letters. No REF, wich is great.

Wish everyone is the lucky one.

asdqwe2008-11-08 06:55:42
拖拉机手2008-11-08 15:26:47
Congrats! Enjoy the happiness from you hard working and
cowboy0012008-11-08 21:14:10