gege452008-12-30 00:49:49
My J1 status will be expired soon, I am thinking of changing status into F1 , but I have applied NIW a week ago, do i need to withdraw niw and get F1 first, or leave NIW there and apply eb 1 (a), I want to work in China for a year , but, idealy get green bafore leaving, the worst case will be: my immigration denied , and i could not apply for non-immigration any more in the future ( after I work in China ..) Pijiang Da Xia, how to avoid this situation, many many thanks
8632112008-12-30 01:11:11
回复:To Pijiang : do i need to appy niw and Eb1A
gege452008-12-30 01:41:39
回复:回复:To Pijiang : do i need to appy niw and Eb1A
8632112008-12-30 02:07:04
回复:回复:回复:To Pijiang : do i need to appy niw and Eb1A
gege452008-12-30 02:45:49
回复:回复:回复:回复:To Pijiang : do i need to appy niw and Eb1A
8632112008-12-30 03:25:20
回复:回复:回复:回复:回复:To Pijiang : do i need to appy niw and Eb1A