late60's2009-05-05 00:29:29
I am expecting 8 month advancing based on 2007 for EB2. Any suggestion?
haoduowenti2009-05-05 01:07:29
不大可能, 看看EB3都没名额了,
happyman19752009-05-05 01:35:29
I think it will be at least one year!
houstonamy2009-05-05 02:40:16
I think it will be at least 2 and half year. God bless Chinese!
penghuaGC2009-05-05 12:57:06
回复:prediction visa bulletin next month
cjlcan2009-05-05 18:29:19
回复:回复:prediction visa bulletin next month
late60's2009-05-05 20:16:46
my prediction based on visa bulletin 2007
也无所事事2009-05-06 05:16:27
lz 有道理