guweimin2009-05-12 20:27:40
我不知道第二和第三段在说什么? 他们要我提供什么? 我的Email是


We note that the copies of your Chinese published articles, evidence of citations of your articles, are not accompanied by certified English translations. Documents in a foreign language must be submitted along with a certified English translation. The translation must certify that he/she is competent to perform the translation and that the translation is accurate. Translations submitted without the relating foreign documents are not acceptable.

While you have submitted some evidence relating to the regulatory criteria for aliens of exceptional ability, such as professional memberships pursuant to 8 C.F.R. $204.5(k)(3)(ii)(E), the exceptional ability classification normally requires an alien employment certification approved by the Department of Labor. Section 203(b)(2)(A) of the Act, 8 C.F.R. $1153(b)(2)(A). Thus, meeting one of the regulatory criterion for that classification, or even the requisite three criteria, cannot serve to establish that a waive of the alien employment certification requirement is in the national interest. NYSDOT, 22 I&N Dec. at 222.

Additional evidence is requested to assist the Service to evaluate eligibility for a national interest waiver pursuant to the tests established in Matter of New York State Dept of Transportation, 22 I&N Dec 215(Comm: 1998). (Please note: the evidence already submitted demonstrates that the proposed research employment has substantial intrinsic merit and will be national in scope).

Please submit any available additional documentary evidence that, so of the petition priority date, you had a degree of influence on your field that distinguishes you from other researchers with comparable academic/professional qualifications. In addition, you must establish, through documentary evidence, that you have a past record of specific prior achievement which justifies projections of future benefits to the national interest. Please note, because it has already been established that your proposed research employment has intrinsic merit and will be national in scope it is not necessary to include any further evidence regarding the importance of the field in general. What we now seek is evidence which is specific to you and your influence on and achievements in the field of endeavor.

Please submit additional evidence regarding your role in establishing a food museum and the significance of this type of evidence as it relates to your request for a national interest waiver.

Your may submit copies of any additional scholarly published articles that cite or otherwise recognize your research achievements (citing articles may have been published after the filing date of the instant petition). Please highlight the portion of the paper that references your work and highlight your name in the bibliography or reference section. It is not necessary to submit the entire article; however, at the very minimum you should include the title page that includes the authors, as well as the pages which reference or cite your work and the entire reference lists that appears at the end of the article. Please do not send any citing articles that have already been submitted. Also, it is not necessary to submit articles that are self-referencing; i. e. written by you or your collaborators. In the alternative, you may submit an official citation record from such entities as SciFinder, Google Scholar, etc. In addition, any official citation record must contain the title, authors, and publication information for both the cited and citing article. Citation records that do not contain such details will not be considered nor will self-generated citation lists.
Please note, if any document is in a foreign language it must be submitted along with a certified English translation. The translator must certify that he/she is competent to perform the translation and that the translation is accurate. Translations submitted without the relating foreign document are not acceptable.
penghuaGC2009-05-13 00:23:16
Focus on P4,5,6