freecall2009-06-17 15:08:48

本人很想走EB-1B, 但是硬件並不怎麽強。按照我們大學的硬指標,人力資源部的頭是不會幫我的,他管着我們大學所有的雇傭綠卡申請。他是一個很嚴肅認真的人。我以側面和她談過兩次。他都說我的不太合格。


1) research associate,
2) five years work experience.
3) others
a) first place at international meeting presentation. And an excellent graduate award.
b) I am a full member of Sigma Xi.
c) I finished several meeting paper reviews for other peers as required by the editor or chairman through Email.
d) There are some citations of my work by other experts in the field (5 in total).
e) I published 24 refereed journal papers, presented 9 international meeting papers, and finished 2 book chapters in total.

他總是反駁我說:你的博士專業和你現在的工作領域不相同。您沒有大獎,和特殊會員,etc, 根據移民侷的要求。

doshexh2009-06-17 16:39:42
You may not be strong enough for bith EB-1a and b, but have a tr
just-do-it!2009-06-17 17:26:50
dc64112009-06-18 04:29:28
You don't need HR for petition letter.