Won'ttell2009-08-05 21:52:38

最近办EB1A, 被RFE, 要求如下:
Please submit all evidence in the native language and include certified English translations. In addition, please note: Title 8, Code of Federal Regulations, Section 103.2(b)(3) states: Translations: Any document containing foreign language submitted to the Service shall be accompanied by a full English language translation which the translator has certified as complete and accurate, and by the translators certification that he or she is competent to translate from the foreign language into English. The Service must note that several foreign documents were not accompanied by an English translation, please submit all foreign documents with the appropriate translation as required.
我有7-8篇中文文章, 如果要翻译, 那多大的工作量啊。
如果不翻, 怎么回答这个问题啊?
请大家支招。 谢谢。
smileJJ2009-08-05 22:21:40
Translation of Title and Abstract.
smileJJ2009-08-05 22:22:20
When did you submit?And how long did it take you to get this RFE
Won'ttell2009-08-05 22:32:12
I did that
won'ttell2009-08-05 22:33:16
One week, I used PP service