newcomer20092009-08-17 22:57:13
Pijiang or other masters,

I read your link about status change as quoted below. Still, can you explain the solution at the bottom of the quoted Chinese paragraph? Does it mean you have to get out of the country to activate the last approved H-4? Or you mean to get back the H-1 that was canceled because of the later approved H-4?

"拿这位同学作例,"先申请了H4 大约10后来有了OFFER 就又申请 H1B 加急,大约10天左右批了,而且在申请H1B 时也说明了已申请H4。可是 H1B 批了几天后 H4 也批了。"
在这种情况下,该同学的身份将由后批准的 H-4 决定,而不管 H-1/H-4 的生效期如何。也就是说,他想要的 H-1 不幸地被错误的程序废掉了。

Here does it mean that H-1 is revoked for real and you will need to apply one more time to be able to work?

consultant902009-08-17 23:52:26
回复:H1b & F1 one more question - please clarify