123hh2004-09-15 16:09:31
I just received a phone called from immigration service. They asked me to do the physical exam check again. Anyone know anything about this. What will they check? And I am preganant now, do it influence the check?

Thanks a lot.

ItellUwhy2004-09-15 17:05:24
Aswer the questions first
123hh2004-09-15 18:45:16
回复:Aswer the questions first
ItellUwhy2004-09-15 19:02:37
You will be fine!
yang4li2004-09-15 19:14:50
what is class A or B diseases?
123hh2004-09-15 19:16:29
回复:You will be fine!
medical?2004-09-15 19:26:20
did ur Dr marked B in ur last
ItellUwhy2004-09-15 22:48:06
You shouldn't take 2nd medical
ItellUwhy2004-09-15 22:50:38
A:infectious B: not infectious