各位同胞, 请帮忙。
我曾在 Virginia State Public School 用 H-1B 签证任 教三年。 因误导, 我没能在三年临时执照期间完成所要求的教育课程(我的专业不是教育)。因暑假期间不能完成四门课程,秋季我不能回校任教。这样我的 H-1B 签证便不能使用。我必须转其它签证来维持身份。 糟糕的是这四门课不能在同一间学校修, 并且这四门课中即有本科课程又有研究生课程。所以不宜转 学生签证。 我原来的H-1B 律师建议我办B1签证 并建议我自己办 。 她说很简单。 我 按她的建议及她教我的方法递上了转身份的文件。 但得到了如下的回复:
1), Submit a statement specifying your last date of employment as H-1B.
我的合同是到六月三十日,但我的工资付到八月底, 我的签证是到九月七日。
2), Submit an explanation for requesting and extension of your stay.
3), Regulations require that a visitor a visitor for business (B-1) or pleasure (B-2) must establish that he or she has a residence abroad which he or she has no intention of abandoning. Submit documentation to establish that you have a foreign residence where you intend to reside at the expiration of your B-1 or B-2 visa. Such documentary evidence includes current telephone bills, current utility bills, current mortgage statements, current rental agreements, current receipts, etc.
我没有房子在国内。 这一条我应如何回答?
4), Submit a statement in which you describe your intention concerning departure from the United States.