guweimin2009-11-14 23:38:10
The attorney told me 2 infos that I want to confirm with experts here:

1. Eb1-a category is getting tough to win from this September, is it correct?

2. About Eb1-b, the attorney said even though I have not started to work for the employer, I still can apply for Eb1b. Is this correct?

If so, as I will start for the future emplyor about 1 year later, If I apply for Eb1-b now, I could get the GC before I start to work for the employer. Then, may I select to work for a new employer instead of the one sponspor my GC?

I highly appreciate your help.
pjiang2009-11-17 03:18:06
回复:请问Pijing等老师: Eb1, 律师说的对不对?