燕子宝贝2009-12-21 05:46:41
Written by FAIRUS.org
Saturday, 19 December 2009 12:03

FAIR's summary of Title IV, Subtitle A of the Comprehensive Immigration Reform for America's Security and Prosperity Act (H.R. 4321)
Subtitle A creates abroad amnesty program for virtually all illegal aliens currently in the United States. It first grants illegal aliens "conditional nonimmigrant status" which initially lasts six years, but may be renewed in an unlimited number of 5-year increments. Unlike the amnesty bills of 2006 and 2007, there is no employment requirement; an alien may be looking for a job, or declare that he/she is an active community member, and still be eligible for the amnesty. Read more (PDF)

House Democrats Massive Amnesty Bill Certain to Encounter Fierce Public Opposition, Predicts FAIR
The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) described the introduction of the Comprehensive Immigration Reform for America's Security and Prosperity Act of 2009 (CIR ASAP) as wholesale sell-out of the interests of the American people. Read more
Rep. Gutierrez Introduces Amnesty Legislation
The unveiling of this legislation is considered to be the opening move in the latest battle to enact 'comprehensive' immigration reform, one that the White House has promised to support. "Everything's going very well. Full steam ahead," Gutierrez said about today's unveiling of his bill. (Roll Call, Dec. 12, 2009) "We've said that this bill will be to immigration what the public option was to health care. It will be progressive, it will be expansive, it will be compassionate and it will be comprehensive." (Id.) Call your Representatives and SAY NO to Amnesty!
Action Alert from Amnesty Advocates at America's Voice
"The Comprehensive Immigration Reform for America's Security and Prosperity Act will not only protect civil rights, it will strengthen our nation's economic and national security." Read more
National Council of La Raza Press Release
The bill, scheduled to be introduced in the House of Representatives on Tuesday, is the latest effort since 2007 to achieve comprehensive immigration reform that would restore the rule of law by bringing the 12 million undocumented people in our country out of the shadows; allow them to obtain legal status and assume the rights and responsibilities of citizenship;

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燕子宝贝2009-12-21 05:49:56
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