李狗妈妈2010-02-11 04:54:23
Due to the massive budget cutting at my current institution, I have to get another job and move into another state, I gave my landlord 28 days of notice that I am leaving and cannot afford to pay 2 rents. They said that legally, I am obligated to pay the rent until the end of the lease (May 2011).

According to the lease, the renters are obligated to pay the rent until the lease expires. We must give them 60 days of written notice. The written agreement between the two parties will make the moving out effective with signatures from both parties. In case of failure, the default of the lease specifies that they can take my personal property.

I heard two stories. More than 1 friends told me that I can break the lease and leave. At most, they would ask for 1 more month rent. Some of them have actually done this.
The second story came from a person who actually works for the landlord association. He told me that the landlord can track me down across the country to make me pay the rent until the lease ends.

I went to the leasing office and talk with them and offered to pay them a lump of money to get out of the lease. They declined.

Anyone can give me some suggestions? First, how to handle this type of situation. Second, what steps can I take to protect myself? I cannot afford two rents at all financially.

Your early reply is much appreciated.

pjiang2010-02-11 06:40:06
sublet - 回复:违约怎么办? 房东is mean
sleepbear2010-02-11 13:47:01
Either way is fine
李狗妈妈2010-02-11 17:06:58
回复:sublet - 回复:违约怎么办? 房东is mean
食人鱼2010-02-11 18:01:06
forbes2010-02-12 05:31:44
transfer your lease with some incentive 回复:违约怎么办? 房东is mean
李狗妈妈2010-02-12 15:39:32