第一页在“Your submission does not meet the definition of an acceptable application as set out by the Immigration and Refuge Protection Regulation R(10) (see Appendix D)"前打了一个勾。
第二页是"Appendix D",并且在"If you claiming language skills and neither English nor French is your native language, you must:
provide other evidence in writing of your proficiency in those language. this material should include: a written submission explaining your training in English, an explanation of how commonly use" 前打一个勾,划线。
第三页是:“English Language Testing Centers"的信息。
我的材料中包含我以前参加的TOEFL,GRE成绩单,也有Explanation letter of english proficiency,里面提到了学习使用英语的时间,以及在加拿大大学学习做TA,RA使用英语的情况。