Xialin2010-03-11 03:06:53
今天收到NATIONAL VISA CENTER的来信, 父母移民的PACKAGE需要补充一些资料. 信中说:.

A gap exists in your residence history of more than six months. When completing the information in this section, please refer to the following instructions below on Police Certificate(s):
*Police certificates are required for each visa applicant aged 16 years or older, based on where each applicant lives or has lived previously.

我父母年轻时从老家支边到青海, D230 PART I 我们是这样的填写的:
18-50 青海
50-目前 长沙

16岁-18岁我父母在老家苏州, 这一段我们没有填, 是不是就是NVC信里的GAP? 如此说来, 我们需要苏州, 青海,长沙三地的无犯罪记录? MY GOD!

请大家指教我理解的是否正确? 请帮忙! 谢谢!

8632112010-03-11 06:09:00
回复:急: 父母移民, 无犯罪记录
Xialin2010-03-11 16:06:07
Thank you very much!