ye.anita2010-05-27 19:44:22
5/12号平信寄的。支票还没有被cash,没有办法track收到没有。lg说6月初没有消息就再发一份去,有tracking number的。不知道除了损失两个$340 filling fee。会不会对case有其他不良影响。可以发两份吗?
ye.anita2010-05-27 19:44:42
8632112010-05-27 20:01:43
回复:如果前后发两份同样的EAD Renewal有什么不良影响?
ye.anita2010-05-27 20:17:17
回复:回复:如果前后发两份同样的EAD Renewal有什么不良影响?
a556677882010-05-27 20:43:20
why still file to NSC, Now the address changed to Phoenix.Isn't
ye.anita2010-05-27 21:42:56
instruction still shows send to NSC, no phoenix address is liste
ye.anita2010-05-27 22:55:55
晕~ 谢谢提醒。今天重寄一封去phoenix。
8632112010-05-27 23:00:58
You might send it th wrong address.
ye.anita2010-05-27 23:04:41
I found it and sending out one to the right addres today