葡萄锤子2011-04-26 07:38:16


according to the date of birth on your selective service registration form, you have already reached 26 and are no longer eligible to register. therefore. we are unable to process your form as a registration

if you are denied certain benefits as a result of not being registered. such as job training. student financial aid, employment service, or are unable to obtain U.S CITIZENSHIP. YOU may appeal the denial of these benefits. pursuant to section 1366. division A of public law 99-661. approved november 14. 1986. you may write to the head of the federal agency administering the benefits you are seeking. summarize the relevant facts pertaining to your case and request that appropriate action be taken under the statutory language. you must present evidence to that agency that your failure to register was not a knowing and willful failure to register

8632112011-04-26 15:01:01
回复:我来美国时是24岁. 那时候不知道26之前要登记兵役.现在要考公民怎么办?
snwflk2011-04-26 17:42:03
葡萄锤子2011-04-26 17:54:17
8632112011-04-26 18:04:05
葡萄锤子2011-05-10 02:11:08
回复:我来美国时是24岁. 那时候不知道26之前要登记兵役.现在要考公民怎么办?
葡萄锤子2011-05-18 02:22:59
回复:我来美国时是24岁. 那时候不知道26之前要登记兵役.现在要考公民怎么办?