不知修匙2011-06-02 03:12:06
请教p大师,8大师 or any other 大师:

Basic info: GF will have a meeting in July in Rome, her J1 was expired one week ago, so she must get a new visa for returning back to US.


1. Anybody had the experience to get J1 US visa in Rome, Italy? Could you share the story with me?

2. Is that possible to pay the visa fee to Italy Banca Nazionale del Lavoro in US?

3.Can she submit the documents for the officer to review early (say two weeks before she attends the meeting?) and how long to finish the review?

8632112011-06-02 17:22:58
回复:J1 visa in Rome 问题
不知修匙2011-06-03 14:54:27
Many thanks!