李狗妈妈2011-06-10 16:54:28

Not familiar with the rules. Can an agency offer me a secretary type job and apply H1B for me? I have my PhD degree. I was not clear in the previous message.


8632112011-06-10 18:37:26
回复:Pijiang,xiaobaitu,8老师: can a hiring agency apply for H1B for
thisway2011-06-10 22:38:39
李狗妈妈2011-06-10 23:06:46
回复:回复:Pijiang,xiaobaitu,8老师: can a hiring agency apply for H1B f
8632112011-06-10 23:12:48
I am not "小白兔"。
8632112011-06-10 23:21:23
回复:回复:回复:Pijiang,xiaobaitu,8老师: can a hiring agency apply for H1
thisway2011-06-13 15:23:32
Sorry. Both of you are very kind, provide answers short and swee