李狗妈妈2011-09-02 00:03:23

Please read the paragraphs highlighted in yellow. What will happen to LCA?


一个官方的prevailing wage. 我们就一直在这第一步stuck着。 现在她说接到官方通
知prevailing wage不issue了。理由如下。要issue要等到9月30号以后。可是我和老板
Unfortunately, the Department of Labor (DOL) is currently not issuing 
Prevailing Wage Determinations  for H-1B.  DOL has stopped issuing 
prevailing wages for H-1Bs in order to comply with a federal court order 
that requires them to  re-issue H-2B Prevailing wage determinations by 
September 30, 2011.  The Department of Labor has indicated that it hopes to 
begin working on the backlog of H-1B prevailing wage requests after 
September 30.  Until a prevailing wage is issued, we can’t proceed with the
application for the H-1B.

pjiang2011-09-02 02:28:23
回复:Question about LCA
8632112011-09-02 02:39:27
回复:Question about LCA
李狗妈妈2011-09-03 00:54:10
回复:回复:Question about LCA
李狗妈妈2011-09-03 00:57:25
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