bayerjoke2011-09-24 23:46:57



美国soso学校PhD (Computational chemistry&Biophysics),现一所较top medical 
school作postdoc。文章一作5篇(4篇英文,一偏JACS IF8),2作1篇。他引30+。
Invited book chapter 1 篇。审稿1篇(现增为5篇,全英文, IF2-5)。

行的generic rfe,我case不是很弱,比较自信。



You must establish that the national interest would be served if you were 
required to obtain a labor certificate for the proposed employment. ... The 
evidence of record does not establish (i) how you have influenced the field 
as a whole apart from your current and previous employers; (ii) how you 
contributed more than others in the field; and (iii) how you stand apart 
from the other in the field as been able to benefit the national interest.
You must persuasively demonstrate that the national interest would be 
adversely affected if a labor cert were required. You must demonstrate that 
it would be contrary to the national interest to potentially deprive your 
employer of your services by making the position available to US workers.
You must establish that you have a past record of specific prior achievement
with some degree of influence on the field as a whole. Your previous 
influence on the field as a whole must justify projections of future benefit
to the national interest. You must establish your ability to serve the 
national interest to a substantially greater extent than the majority of 
others in the field.
You must establish that your skills or background are unique and innovative 
and serve the national interest. If you possess any special skills, 
knowledge or abilities that could not be articulated on an application for 
labor certification, you must submit evidence demonstrate these special 
skills, knowledge or abilities.
...Even though you have published articles in the field and had other 
researchers to acknowledge the importance of your work in the field, the 
totality of the evidence of record does not establish that your skills, 
knowledge or abilities could not be articulated on an application for labor 

sept.2011-09-25 02:30:59