sheenwei2011-10-29 16:43:53
  1. Positive attitude
  2. Sound physical health
  3. Harmony in human relation
  4. Freedom from fear
  5. The hope of future achievements
  6. The Capacity for apply faith
  7. Willingness to share blessings with others
  8. To be engaged in the labor of love
  9. An open mind towards all subjects and all people
  10. Complete self-discipline
  11. Wisdom to understand others
  12. Financial security

    great riches in lasting friendship, harmonized family relationship, sympathy and understanding between business associates, and inner harmonization to bring peace of mind.

  • 让我们聚会吧!
  • 得救、重生和成圣
  • 12 criteria for success
  • self seeking
  • 读经与祷告