请教各位老师同仁有关 AP 的系列小问题, 十分感谢有根有据的反馈:
1. 如果用了 AP , 就进入 parolee status. 那么下次再出境时,又在境外申请并且得到了有效的 H1B 签证, 然后再入境时使用了新得的 H1B 签证. 请问再入境后本人是在 H1B status, 还是仍然在 parolee status ?
2. 现有 AP 还未过期, 但快要过期 (has 3 months left), still in H1B status but no visa stamp left, 下星期出境办事一个月. 想在出境走之前, 把 AP/EAD 的 renew 申请先交了, 那么回来时, 能不能用 尚未失效的现有 AP 入境 ( AP/EAD 的 renew 申请,对旧的还未过期的 AP 使用有没有影响) ? 另外,出境对于刚交的 AP/EAD 的 renew 申请有没有影响 ?
3. When entering at a port of US, 用 AP 的人是不是也要打指纹, provided that person has not done any previously ?
4. Will going-outside-of-US based on AP useful for "remove of violations of status automatically" or not ?
( it is known of being good on F1, H1 status and visa, though not sure on AP )
我已在其它地方了解了一些, 如有不对也请指正:
1). AP can be used for travelling to other countries beside the one indicated on your application form.
2). If it is multiple time, it can be used as long as it is not expired, though be aware of travel arrangement uncertainty.
3). Keep a copy of all your documents, and also your travel receipts, in case AP entering get checked at airports.