tiredofjobhunting2012-11-09 06:54:08

现在的情况是月底走人,而另一家的Offer 还没来。

HR 人告诉我:你一走,我们就得向移民局报告。因而:


问题2B2 申请交上,就算合法逗留,是从邮递日期开始算还是从移民局收到申请开始算?


问题4:  I-539 表有几问,我不知填得对否, need to confirm with you (Background: we have been F1/F2 visa holders. We only applied for and got our current H1/H4 visa. )

(1). part 2, Q2: "Is this application based on the extension of change of status already granted to your spouse, child or parent?"  (I think it is NO)

(2). Part 2, Q3: "Is this application based on the separate application to give your spouse, child or parent an extension or change of status?    (I think it is NO)

(3) Should I include my 17-yr old kid as a co-applicant? (I think it is YES)


8632112012-11-09 21:52:32
tiredofjobhunting2012-11-09 23:09:55