lisamama2013-01-21 01:00:29

家里亲戚申请了投资移民,递交了I-526,但是至今没有移民局的回音。现在他想来美国探亲,想申请探亲旅游签证。现在在填签证表格的时候该如何回答这个问题:Has anyone ever filed an immigrant petition on your behalf with the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services? 填Yes or No?他是投资移民的主申请人。请朋友们帮忙解答,谢谢!!!

pjiang2013-01-21 01:37:28
You will know the answer - 回复:急问:填写探亲签证表格DS-160表问题, 在线等!!
lisamama2013-01-21 02:03:28
回复:You will know the answer - 回复:急问:填写探亲签证表格DS-160表问题, 在线等!!
pjiang2013-01-22 00:53:28
I-526 = 回复:You will know the answer - 回复:急问:填写探亲签证表格DS-160表问题, 在