1)这张表格里的住址信息,是不是都是五年以内的?所以“Applicant's last address outside the United States of more than 1 year", 是不是指五年以内的地址?7年前我们在中国的地址,就不用写了吧?
2)关于"Applicant's employment last five years.",如果已经退休五年以上,是不是除了在"Full Name and Address of Employer"下写上"retired",其它(包括"Occupation", "From", 和"To")就不用写了?
3)关于“Last occupation abroad if not shown above. (Include all information requested above)", 是不是也是指五年以内的工作信息?如果已经退休五年以上, 是不是什么都不用写?
1)这套表格的第三页,Part 3,问题C。“List your present and past membership in or affiliation with every organization, association, fund, foundation, party..."。因为问起了past membership,所以还是要写上从前的党员背景,对吗?"Location and Nature"里的nature, 应该怎么写?
2)第四页,Part 3, 问题6。“Have you EVER been a member of, or in any way affiliated wiht, the Communist Party or any other totalitarian party?",是不是即使退休已经十几年了。退休后在家买菜做家务,没交党费也没有参加任何和党有关的活动,也要写“Yes”?