帮父母申请绿卡. 已经请教8老师很多问题.
现在填864表. 考了下古, 又有几个问题请教老师:
1. 是给父母各填一份吗?
2. Part 3, question 2, I am sponsoring the following family members immigrating at the same time or within 6 months of the principal immigrant...要填吗?
3. Part 3, question 7, the total number of immigrants you are sponsoring on this form 是填1吗?分别给爸妈?
4. Part 5,household size 填2?但是我+妈+爸是3个人, 两份表都填2吗?
3. 我是contractor, 雇主证明信写的是hourly rate, 该怎么填annual income? 乘后估计一下吗?
填表问题真多呀, 谢谢老师耐心解答!