virginia7282013-11-24 14:42:04

律师说是AD上不用写job duty description, 直接写job requirement.说如果写
job duty,就必须都写上,不能概述,因为要和最后file PERM上写的一样

我看到PERM law 上写的,Ad必须

Provide a description of the vacancy
specific enough to apprise the
U.S. workers of the job opportunity for
which certification is sought

请问各位Newspaper Ad不写job duty行不行,直接是have a xxx position,Job Requrirement, send resume to...?


8632112013-11-24 16:32:13
回复:急问两位老师,PERM的Newspaper Ad
virginia7282013-11-24 22:06:59
回复:回复:急问两位老师,PERM的Newspaper Ad